Monday, 24 March 2008

A rant

I've been reading a lot of TV scripts in the past few months, which inspired me to dust off Babylon 5 and have a bit of a B5 Marathon in my spare time...

It's not procrastinating, it's research. Honest! Bah, suit yourselves.

...and right in the middle of DRAMA!, the phone rings. Grrr. Except it could be my sister, I was waiting for her to return my call. Hit pause. Grab phone.

CHIRPY, ENTHUSIASTIC AMERICAN ACCENT: "You have been selected for a once in a lifetime opportunity! Press 9 for more details as operators are standing by."

BRITISH MUTTERING: "Try press off, for b*gger off."

(Here's the thing, I have a paranoid habit of checking that the phone has disconnected when I put it down; none of these crafty reverse the charges scumbag scamster calls for me, oh no! -- Actually it's mainly because I have found the occasional line problem where BT seems to leave you connected with the person you were talking to even though one or other of you has hung up. And then no one can ring you. It's happened enough that I check now.)

OFF ... listens -- still connected to Chirpy, Enthusiastic American Accent chuntering away about my once in a life time opportunity.
It better be once in a lifetime. Grrr.

OFF ... "-Press-" OFF! ... and they were still there, so I unplugged the phone


... plugged it back in "-9 for more details-" ARGH!


...Eventually they got the message.

Crap. They'll probably ring back.

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